
About VMxenge

Victoria Mxenge is an expression of our commitment to the principles for which she, as a lawyer, lived and died.

Our Contribution

To practice our profession with excellence and utmost professionalism.

The Legacy

We aspire to be true to the legacy of Victoria Mxenge and the founding values of our Constitution.


We work with you to address your most critical legal priorities

The naming of our group after Victoria Mxenge is an expression of our commitment to the principles for which she, as a lawyer, lived and died. At the centre of all human struggles and struggles for justice in particular, must be the people, especially those on the margins of the human condition. In our daily practice as advocates we hope to be guided by the values for which Victoria Mxenge and her husband, Griffiths Mxenge, were brutally murdered by the apartheid state.

In honour of this selfless lawyer who paid the ultimate price, we hope to make our humble contribution to the creation of a new society, and to practice our noble trade with excellence and utmost professionalism.

Transformation of our profession must mean much more than simply the changing of briefing patterns. Access to justice is as important. Our group is committed to ensuring through individual and group initiatives that access to justice is facilitated for those whose material conditions still reflect the dehumanizing conditions of poverty engraved on our society by apartheid and colonialism.

Like most of our colleagues, we hope to add to the great efforts of those who have preceded us in this profession. We aspire to be true to the legacy of Victoria Mxenge and the founding values of our Constitution.

Through the Legacy of Victoria

We serve through our disciplines

Our group is committed to ensuring through individual and group initiatives that access to justice is facilitated. Find out more about us.
